How to Get Company of Heroes 2 Master Collection for PC Highly Compressed - TechyFever
in "defend" mode, the players can choose to defend any one of the captured points. only the defenders can use their units. the more the points are defended by the defender, the better chance he will have to defend another point to complete the mission. however, there is a catch in this mode. when the attackers manage to capture three points, the defenders have only a limited time to stop them from capturing the last point. if the defender allows the attackers to capture the last point, the defender will be awarded a score based on how much time he had to prevent the attack on the other points.
Company of Heroes 2 Master Collection download for pc highly compressed
each soldier has a health bar, which is measured in "health points" (hps). the more hps the soldier has, the longer the soldier will survive a hit. if a soldier's hp reaches zero, then the soldier's unit will suffer a "killed" status. if the company of heroes 2 pc game free download full version unit receives an injury, the unit will suffer a "wounded" status. however, a wounded soldier can still use his weapon. a wounded soldier will suffer from a greater drop in efficiency until he receives medical attention.
each soldier has a "coverage" rating, ranging from 0% to 100%. a soldier with a greater coverage rating can cover a larger area. however, if a soldier's coverage is 100%, then he can target any point on the map. on the other hand, if the coverage of a soldier is 0%, then the soldier can only target the three marked points on the map.
in order to complete the mission, the player will have to stop the military push of the enemy. in order to prevent the enemy from attacking, players can deploy their own troops in any three of the five game zones on the map. the game has a 45-minute time limit to complete the mission. after the 45-minute time limit, the enemy troops will automatically advance to the next game zone. in order to defend any of the attacked points, a player can build three types of defensive bunkers in his home base. the three types of bunkers include a sherman tank, a rhino tank, and a mortar. each individual bunker is of specific strength. a bunker cannot be used if it is damaged.